Drones and the Roofing Industry
Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, are small aircraft that operate without a pilot. While drones have been around for quite some time, their application into new industries is becoming more prevalent. Specifically, drones have recently proven a valuable technology for the roofing industry by providing accurate roofing estimates, reducing liability for roofers, and saving roofers time and money.
Providing Estimates
Through photos and video, drones are able to provide roofers and their clients with accurate estimates. Additionally, some roofs have inaccessible areas which can be surveilled by drone. Drones have the ability to gather measurements, pictures, and videos of a roof to provide accurate, timely estimates.
Reducing Liability
Every time a roofer goes on a roof he/she is at risk of falling or sustaining injury. Drones can reduce the liability by performing many of the tasks a roofer would do while on the roof. Storms can also leave roofs with questionable integrity. A drone will reduce the risk by surveilling the roof before a roofer goes up.
Saving Time and Money
Drones can save roofers time and money by completing many of the tasks roofers typically undertake. Instead of constantly going up and down a ladder to the roof, a drone can more quickly find the answers by surveilling the roof. Newer drones even have the technology to send the desired information directly to e-mail or an office.
Drone rules and regulation are everchanging because of the increased utilization of drones for personal and business use. With the application of drone technology to various industries it is important to be aware of the pros and cons to incorporating a drone on your next roofing project.
As with any type of project involving your roof, your safety always comes first. While many individuals have started using drones for their personal recreational use, caution in using drones is advised as injuries may occur. When handling issues or concerns with your roof, it is best left to the professionals who are knowledgeable and experienced in the industry.
Who to Call
If you need a new roof, roof repair or roof maintenance, the roofing specialists at Crown are here to help. Crown offers regular inspections and can help to repair current roofing systems or install a new roofing system to keep your family or business safe. We have offices in Fort Myers, Sarasota, Orlando, and Pompano Beach. Call us today for a free estimate.