Crown LLC NOT Affiliated With Crown Contractors, Inc./Roland Price

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Per the Florida State company registry,, there are two companies in Florida that have the words “Crown” in their legal business name. Crown Contractors, Inc. is a small roofing company in Saint Petersburg, owned and operated by Roland Price. Crown LLC and Crown Contractors, Inc./Roland Price are not, in any way, related.  Still, we are saddened by the recent headlines involving a home’s yard signs in St. Petersburg and their various derogatory, offensive, and disheartening messages. 

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Please do not confuse our company, Crown LLC, with the owner of this other company.  Crown LLC is a statewide roofing contractor with 350+ employees, four offices throughout the state, and a diverse workforce.   His opinions are not shared by our firm. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

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